This Update-page has been made for your overview of what exactly has been changed/altered on The Five Star Channel.




January 2002:

Happy New Year to you all and very best wishes for the year 2002!
Welcome to the new Update-page. I decided to re-style it a bit as there are some changes coming up in this month & year.

One of those changes is the "look" on The Five Star Channel.
As you can see on this page and on the News-Index page is that there will be one kind of style which will be the typical "Five Star Channel-style". It took a bit of time to decide which parts on the Channel are OK and which could be deleted.
So, the "fresh" blue, round angles on the banners, bevelled edges and standard background will be the "new" typical Five Star Channel-look. The lay-out on the rest of the pages will be different from eachother to avoid boredom and to keep the friendly character.
Also, under every Main-page there will be links to the other pages. Now you don't have to use your back-button every time to go to the Index-page (also handy to avoid those pop-uppers for example).
The whole site is best seen at 1024x768 screen resolution.

So, from now on I will bring you all the latest updates on this special Update-page. If you also have an idea or opinion concerning this site, please feel free to email me! ;) Anco.

Archive 2001:

January 2001 February 2001 April 2001 May 2001 July 2001 October 2001

Archive 2000:

For 2000-Updates Click Here

For 2000-Updates Click Here